Senior HealthBlog

Yoga's Restorative Properties

Spirituality and physical activity are two of the most effective ways to improve one's health and well-being. Each can play an important role in preventing illness and premature death.

Yoga is an invaluable tool for any Health Hero because of its ability to improve both physical and mental health.

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However, there are a number of things you may do to enhance your equilibrium.

When it comes to maintaining their health, many seniors prioritize physical activity and proper nutrition. However, improper balance, one of the most detrimental factors to health, is often overlooked. "I encounter a lot of older folks who are indifferent about balance," says Liz Moritz, a physical therapist at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, which is connected with Harvard Medical School.

Falls, of which fractured hips and head injuries are common results, drive millions of individuals in the United States to emergency rooms every year. However, you may do a lot to enhance your equilibrium. Some of the more useful methods are detailed here.

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